Sunday, August 11, 2013

Here we go again!

We are 11 days into August, where did the time go?! We have had Wesley a little over a month now and things are starting to settle down and get easier. He is a JOY to have in our lives. As days go by, I feel that many prayers are being answered. He is doing a great job in school and I honestly think he is happy to call our little nest his home. We have given him so many new experiences in just a few short weeks and I treasure all the moments we share together. Life at home has really changed but I couldn't be happier with my little family.
I have been keeping in contact with my sister; she has thanked me numerous times and is so greatful that we are taking care of her baby boy. She makes me feel like a superhero sometimes. I love her so much and I hope only the BEST will happen with/for her for the sake of Wesley. He does miss his momma! I am happy my family can come together in hard times and I feel extreamly blessed for having so many people reach out and help us.
Moving on, work has been CRAZY BUSY! We scheduled 30+ move ins in ONE day! Holy cow! I just want to brag on my co-workers a little bit.. Y'ALL ARE THE BOMB and are a FANTASTIC team to work with! We have almost made it through turn and are all still alive!! Hey, have I told you that I have the most awesome boss? I DO! She is so understanding, forgiving, and most of all, a very good friend. She has tolerated probably more than she should and I am so thankful that she is PATIENT! I can do this, I will not let her down! I hope to one day move up in the company and run an apartment complex the way she does. She is SO organized and I am learning that that is THE MOST important thing in the business. I hope to make her proud one day!
In a week or so,I start my fall classes. A&M is SO HARD, my gosh! I am STILL a junior! I can't make myself take more than one or two classes at a time. When I'm on campus I feel like a big shot-- but then class gets dismissed and I'm on my own and I can't seem to make myself study. My dad always told me I must READ the chapters, not skim through it and hope for the best. It got me through high school and community college but the big dogs aren't buying it! 15 more hours and I can get my Aggie ring, WHOOP! I know it's a lame goal in the acedemic department but it will be a mile stone for me.
I am looking out my living room window watching the trees sway in the wind. It is fixing to storm BIG! Wesley is playing with his toys, Cody is watching his big screen, and the dogs are soaking up the AC. I'd say life if pretty good right now.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Attempt #1

Inspired by Ms. Chelsi Boyette, I decided to write my own blog this morning. I guess I just jump in knees first, right?

A few things have been going on in life lately.

A few weeks ago, I received temporary custody of my nephew, Wesley-- minimum one year. Some of y'all may have noticed my facebook being blown up with pictures of him. Although he has only lived with us a few weeks, that boy has stolen my heart! I love him SO much ! It has been quite a life change, but he is so happy to be with us. He is so excited all the time. Yesterday, he had a fever. My heart raced 1,000 beats per second when the teacher called because I had no idea what to do. Luckily, I called Cody and he calmed me down. He has really stepped up lately, I am so blessed and greatful for him. He is a great man! 

Recently, at the apartment complex I work at, we leased up to 100% so i now have weekends off. YabbaDabbaDoo! God has a way of making sure everything works out. Wesley sure does enjoy extra time with his Aunt.

Another thing, as you all know, I struggle with weight loss. I have NO self control! I am wanting to get back on track but what I really need is a gym partner. I HATE going to workout by myself! Maybe soon i'll get some motivation back!

Well, I jumped in elbows first. Hopefully I get the hang of this blog thing. I guess I"ll figure out the font and picture thing next time. Here's to attemp #1, 10-4, over and out!